Download and print an abbreviated agenda
Regular Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Final Call To Submit Speaker Request Forms
3. Certificates of Appointment
4. 14th Annual Celebrate the Constitution Contest
Consent Agenda
5C. Disposition of Absence
6C. Minutes
7C. Intergovernmental Agreement, City of Surprise, Temporary Radio Dispatch Location
8C. Intergovernmental Agreement, Maricopa County Flood Control District, City of Surprise, City of Peoria, and Maricopa County, 115th Avenue and Union Hills Drive Drainage Improvement Project
9C. Intergovernmental Agreement, State of Arizona Department of Revenue, Tax Auditing 2015
10C. Mutual-Aid Agreement, Rural/Metro Corporation, Emergency Ambulance Services
11C. Budget Amendment, iCapture/Alchemy Project, Sales Tax Scanning and Imaging Management Software Upgrade
12C. Budget Amendment, Collision Data Software
13C. Investment Report for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2014
14C, Fiscal Year 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Single Audit, Management Letter, and SAS114 Letter
15C. Maintenance Improvement District No. 1160, Sierra Ridge Estates, 105th Lane and Pinnacle Peak Road
16C. Maintenance Improvements District No. 1170, Querencia Phase 1, Lake Pleasant Parkway and Remuda Drive
17C. Maintenance Improvement District No. 1174, Mountain Ridge Views, 79th Avenue and Peay Drive
18C. Street Light Improvement District No. 1096, Sierra Ridge Estates, 105th Lane and Pinnacle Peak Road
19C. Deeds and Easements, Various Locations
20C. Easement, Arizona Public Services, Camino a Lago Park, 98th Avenue and Lake Pleasant Parkway
21C. Dedication of Easements, 68th Lane and Bronco Trail Alignment
22C. Final Plat, Querencia Phase 2, Lake Pleasant Parkway and Yearling Road
23C. Final Plat, Trilogy West Phase 1 - Parcel C42, Upcountry Way and Vistancia Boulevard
24C. Final Plat, Quik Trip #436, 67th Avenue and Happy Valley Road
Regular Agenda
New Business
25R. Expenditure Authority, One Time Special Events
26R. PUBLIC HEARING - Liquor Licenses, Various Locations
27R. PUBLIC HEARING - Major General Plan Amendment, General Plan Land Use Element and Plan Administration Section Update
28R. Memorandum of Understanding, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Discussion and possible action to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018, establishing wages, hours and work conditions.
Call To The Public (Non-Agenda Items)
If you wish to address the City Council, please complete a Speaker Request Form and return it to the clerk before the call to order for this meeting. The City Council is not authorized by state law to discuss or take action on any issue raised by public comment until a later meeting.
Reports from City Manager
29. Council Calendar
30. Reports
A. Proposed 2015 Calendar for City Council Meeting Dates
B. 2015 winter Water Safety Day and Polar Plunge