City employee leaders work for citizens
By LESLIE McMORROW, Special to Peoria Times
Photo by Leslie McMorrow
Leadership oath
AFSCME Local 3282 leaders are sworn in, following November elections. Pictured: Dave Miller (recording secretary), Walter Crenshaw (president), Cesar Orozco (trustee), Erik McMorrow (vice president), Roman Ulman (official). Not pictured: Fran Krugen (treasurer), Domingo Cadena (trustee), Michelle Dobrosky (trustee), Aaron Montano (backup trustee)
After suffering the unexpected loss of late President Randy Cordero in January 2014 and working through contract negotiations with the city, AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) Local 3282 is “fully engaged, fully intact, and we’re moving forward,” according to former interim and now newly elected President, Walter Crenshaw.
Working on a strictly volunteer basis, union leaders and members are focused on the future of the union and city employee members, as well as the relationship the union has with city management and Peoria citizens.
“Just as our military defends our country from foreign enemies, public employees are the first line of defense, not only against local terrorists, but every local disaster that threatens our community. So, it is my honor to install these outstanding leaders who represent the employees who keep us safe,” said Roman Ulman, president of the AFSCME Arizona Retirees, Chapter 97.
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